Posted: March 24th, 2023

The Importance of Adequate Employment in the Education Sector


Employment in both schools and districts is critical to improving the quality of education. School management should encourage sufficient staffing and promote retention by creating a favorable environment for employees. Although learning institutions can use various approaches to uplift standards of education, adequate remuneration and conducive working conditions are among the key incentives that motivate workers and improve productivity.

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The Employment Continuity Process

The textbook provides significant steps that companies can take to enhance continuity. It is a source of valuable lessons for schools and districts to implement their employment stability plans. The school does not have such a transparent system, but it applies some of the activities proposed in the chapter. For example, it has strategies for promotion, demotion, and transfers. In addition, the district education office (DEO) promotes teachers and increases their wages after a particular period, following a positive performance. Educators receive letters of promotion through their school heads. Besides, DEO conducts performance evaluations for instructors to establish their contribution to the teaching and learning activities (Dee & Wyckoff, 2015). This assessment offers other crucial information, including data on underperformers. Although the district education officers avoid regular demotions, they might use such a strategy for those who fail to improve over an extended period.

The textbook does not include the role of warnings as a means of enhancing employees’ productivity levels. Warning letters, which caution underachievers, accompany most job assessments. Transfers are prevalent in the school and the district as a way to implement change in the academic environment. However, the school uses a system similar to the one discussed in the chapter. Transfers are used as incentives, not punitive measures, for teachers to work better. For instance, some of the relocations accompany a promotion as a reward for adequate performance.

Employee Entitlements and Privileges

Expectations of employee entitlements and privileges are similar in the text and the school district. Teachers in both setups are eligible for employment protection, retirement plans, and leave provisions. The school has policies for the safety and security of workers, such as the creation of a discrimination-free working environment. It also includes the recommended leave days for school employees, which is a source of motivation (Merrill, Galimberti, Nizinska, & González-Monteagudo, 2018). For example, on average the district awards 13.2 days of paid leave per year for first-year staff and 13.6 for highly experienced teachers, as well as compensated vacation. Each school has a retirement savings plan that is funded by both the employer and the employees. Besides these entitlements, the school and district protect workers’ privileges.

Teachers have personal and family medical coverage to access suitable healthcare services. In addition, they require adequate employee assistance and convenience to work efficiently and effectively. However, in the school district, they are expected to access sufficient teaching resources, such as technology, to enhance their work. The institution ensures fundamental support for educators to achieve their personal and professional development. Even if health challenges are inevitable, the management provides access to sufficient care when needed and creates a conducive environment to prevent job-related stressors and other factors that might cause illness.

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School leaders implement necessary plans for teachers to facilitate employment continuity. The chapter provides vital information about the implementation of programs that protect workers’ entitlements and privileges as well as motivate them to teach effectively. Although the district has a specific policy to support this goal, it can learn important lessons from the chapter to promote workers’ performance and retention.



Dee, T. S., & Wyckoff, J. (2015). Incentives, selection, and teacher performance: Evidence from IMPACT. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management34(2), 267-297.

Merrill, B., Galimberti, A., Nizinska, A., & González-Monteagudo, J. (2018). Continuity and discontinuity in learning careers: Potentials for a learning space in a changing world. Boston: Brill Open.


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