Posted: December 6th, 2022

Assessment 1: critical essay essay topic: how have historical models

Assessment 1: Critical Essay

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Essay Topic:

How have historical models of disability and contemporary social policy in6uenced the

establishment and implementa8on of the Na8onal Disability Insurance Scheme? Explore

the considera8ons for prac8ce in occupa8onal therapy.

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Essay due date: Sunday 4th October, 2020 @ 10pm

Essay requirements:

 2200 words maximum (including in-text cita6ons; excluding reference list). Any wri6ng that

exceeds the word limit will not be marked.

 Minimum of 15 journal ar6cle references (20+ journal ar6cle references are needed to get a

high mark) with a 2010-2020 date range from disability, occupa6onal therapy and other

relevant literature (you can use books to further support your argument, but these will not

be counted towards the 15 minimum journal ar6cles). Addi6onally, you can use ar6cles

which are older than 10 years if they are seminal disability ar6cles (for example,

Wolfensberger’s Social Role Valorisa6on, or Nirje’s Normalisa6on) but these will not count in

the minimum reference requirements.

 Use of contemporary examples to support your argument (eg. social media ar6cles/posts,

movies, novels, biographies, TED talks, real life experiences such as your own personal

experiences or experiences working/volunteering with people with disability).

 FormaUng: size 12 font; 2.5cm margins; 1.5 spacing.

 Referencing using APA 7th. A guide for this can be found on the Cur6n Library webpage at:


Other considerations:

Your essay should NOT include personal opinions/beliefs that are unsupported by evidence. For

example, you cannot include a statement such as “social media is the absolute worst” without

evidence to support. (This statement is also an example of a very subjec6ve opinion – this is not

appropriate for academic wri6ng). You could include evidence from journal ar6cles, sta6s6cs, and

social media posts to support a similar, but more objec6ve statement.

A detailed marking rubric will be provided in the Assessments folder on Blackboard. Any ques6ons

about the essay must be posted on the appropriate Discussion Board thread on Blackboard.

Any ques6ons asked via email or in person will not be answered. This is to ensure equity

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