Posted: December 1st, 2022

To access an element in an arraylist object

As part of a bank account implementation, there is an account class and a checking account class. These two classes should be related by:

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            abstract classes



            both composition and inheritance

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When using OOP, which of the following terms refers to a mechanism for a behavior, basically how it’s implemented?


            dynamic binding





To access an element in an Array object,

            Use square brackets around an index value.

            Use the ArrayList’s element() method.


            Use the ArrayList’s get() method.

            Individual elements in an ArrayList can’t be accessed without doing a sequential query getSequential(), returning every element up to and including the element requested.


To access an element in an ArrayList object,

            Use square brackets around an index value.

            Use the ArrayList element() method.


            Use the ArrayList get() method.

            Individual elements in an ArrayList can’t be accessed without doing a sequential query getSequential(), returning every element up to and including the element requested.


What term below is defined as a message that tells the program that something has happened?

            a listener

            an action


            an interaction

            an event


Which item below is defined as an object?

            A String

            An Array


            An ArrayList

            All of the above


When a text-box-enter event occurs, which method and parameter are required to handle this type of action? (1 point)

            actionEvent with an actionperformed parameter

            actionPerformed with an actionEvent parameter


            actionListener with an interfaceID parameter

            windowListener with an eventID parameter


Which class includes the setTitle and setSize methods?







Before utilizing the binary search method, __________ must be done to the array?







Which layout manager implements a one-compartment layout scheme?









What is the default layout manager for a JFrame window?









To call the superclass constructor, super() must be the first line in a constructor.




Method overriding is when a method has the same name, same sequence of parameter types, and the same return type as a method in a superclass.




Type casting, also known as promotion is considered an implicit conversion.




An abstract method declaration should always be defined as public as it is meant to be inherited into a subclass to be correctly used.




When using parseInt() to convert a string to a number, NumberFormatException is thrown if a non-integer argument is found.




enableEdit() is used to allow a user to edit the contents of a JTextField.




Write the statement to print to the screen the 6th element of the array defined below?

Declare and initialize an ArrayList of type Double and call this ArrayList stocks.






Assume that this code fragment compiles and runs. What is its output? As always, be precise when showing your output.


Assume that this program compiles and runs. Assume that the user enters 5 6 (separated by a space) for input. What is the output? As always, be precise when showing your output.


Assume that this program compiles and runs. Assume that the user enters 5 0 (separated by a space) for input. What is the output? As always, be precise when showing your output.


Assume that this program compiles and runs. Assume that the user enters 5 six (separated by a space) for input. What is the output? As always, be precise when showing your output.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class TryCatchQuestion


   public static void main(String [] args)


       Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(;

       System.out.println(“Please enter 2 numbers seperated by a space”);



          System.out.println(“Output: ” + stdIn.nextInt() / stdIn.nextInt());


       catch (NumberFormatException e)


          System.out.println(“Number Format Exception”);


       catch (ArithmeticException e)


          System.out.println(“Division by zero”);


       catch (Exception e)


          System.out.println(“Other Exception”);


   }//end main

}//end TryCatchQuestion




Provide code that adds “Hello!” and “Goodbye.” messages to the JFrame window so that the resulting window looks like this:

You may assume that the JFrame window has been created using its default layout manager. Provide only two statements – one statement creates “Hello!” and adds it to the window and one statement creates “Goodbye.” and adds it to the window. Do not provide extra code. In particular, you should not provide code for window settings (size, title, etc.), and you should not provide code for a listener. (3 points)


Provide the code for a class called that implements the main method provided below. 

       }//end main

When the program runs, the following random output should be produced: (numbers will vary as are random)

Program specific requirements:

Style is require but comments are NOT required. 1 pt

Include appropriate import statements for your file. 1 pt

Utilize a constant class array to hold “Heads” and “Tails” 1 pt

Declare a class ArrayList called flips that will hold integer values, 0 for heads and 1 for tails 1 pt

Create a flips method that performs the following: 4

Initializes an instance of the Random class and a random variable

Stores a random variable either 0 or 1

Store the random number in the flips ArrayList

Create a results method that performs the following: 6

Declare variable to hold number of heads flipped

Utilize a for loop to iterate through the ArrayList (do NOT hard code the size here)

For each iteration, increment the result from the ArrayList into a variable called heads

Output the number of Heads using the constant array for the “Heads” heading along with the number of heads flipped

Output the number of Tails using the constant array for the “Tails” heading along with the number of tails calculated from the size of the array minus the number of heads




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