Posted: November 26th, 2022

psychoanalytic and adlerian therapy with stan

After watching the counseling sessions with Stan, compare how psychoanalytic theory and Adlerian theory were applied. What were some theory-specific techniques that the counselor used and how did those techniques support the key concepts of the theories? Identify a technique used in one of the videos that seemed particularly skillful or useful, that you would consider using in your counseling work.

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Response Guidelines

Read the posts of your peers, responding to at least one. Expand the discussion in some way by asking questions, clarifying, offering another viewpoint or sharing resources.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

  • Apply psychotherapeutic theories to a case study.
  • Identify the key concepts of psychotherapeutic theories.
  • Develop communications appropriate for the audience.
  • Use the lexicon of the field.
  • Apply knowledge of APA style for references and citations.

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