Posted: November 24th, 2022

Ol 211 final project guidelines and rubric


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OL 211 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric


Many businesses and organizations large enough to require human resource management (HRM) will need someone that not only understands core human resource (HR) responsibilities, but also understands the vision and mission of theorganization.

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To align the core HR requirements of an organization with its strategic plan, you will conduct an HRM review of an organization in a case study. Be creative in assembling each of the individual components or HR tools to the HRM review so that they would be consistent with and add value to the organization. Complete the HRM review that illustrates how each of the HR tools plays a role in an organization’s overall strategicplan.


The project is divided into four milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions.ThesemilestoneswillbesubmittedinModulesTwo,Three,Four,andFive.YourcomprehensiveproposalwillbesubmittedinModuleSeven.


This assessment addresses the following courseoutcomes:


·         Explain core concepts of human resource management common in today’s global workplace for promoting shared values throughout anorganization

·         Describehumanresourcemanagementpracticesandtheoriesthatalignto andpromotetheorganization’svision,mission,andbusiness

·         Illustrate the functions of a human resource manager for ensuring alignment with the organization’s strategicplan

·         Explain modern human resource concepts and principles that are essential in a changing workenvironment



In this assessment, you will review the human resource management (HRM) in an organization through a case study. This case study will give you the opportunity to explore various roles and processes within the human resources profession. A key skill for any professional working in human resources is the ability to develop and implement processes that align with a company’s strategic plan andmission.


I.            HRM Functions andPractices

A.      Explain why the human resource (HR) function should be aligned with an organization’s strategicplan.

B.      Explainhowcurrentglobalconditions inthisindustryimpacthumanresourcemanagement(HRM) practiceswithinorganizations.


II.            Staffing

A.      Describe a process to recruit and select new employees who are aligned with the organization’s vision and goals from the casestudy.

B.      Compare and contrast recruitment and selection of internal versus external candidates using best practices from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) website. Refer to the Research and Metrics page for helpful resources. You may want to consider which method of recruitment would be most beneficial to thisorganization.

III.            Training

A.      Describe the components of a needs assessment used to determine the training requirements of theorganization.

B.      Explain the importance of developing learning activities. Be sure to incorporate adult learning principles and methods of experiential learning from thiscourse.

C.      Illustrate the value of a training needs assessment in an organization. Support yourresponse.

D.      Describe the importance of creating SMART objectives for a trainingplan.


IV.            Compensation

A.      Describe the compensation philosophy. How does the market influence thisphilosophy?

B.      Determine the value of salary surveys and describe the advantages of discretionarybenefits.


V.            Evaluation

A.      Determine the HRM’s role in the performance management process. How can you ensure the process aligns with the organization’s strategic plan?

B.      Differentiatebetweenvariousperformanceappraisalsystems.Provideanexamplewhereonewouldbemoreapplicable.

C.      How do you identify best-suited appraisals for employee job duties? Support your response with anexample.

D.      Identify a variety of performance rating scales that can be used in organizations that includes graphical scales, letter scales, and numeric scales. Describe eachscale.





Milestone One: Evaluating Strategic Talent Management Initiatives—Functions andPractices/Staffing

In Module Two, you will write a short paper that addresses Sections I and II of the Final Project document. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.


Milestone Two: Employee DevelopmentProcesses

In Module Three, you will write a short paper that addresses Section III of the Final Project document. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.


Milestone Three: PerformanceManagement

In Module Four, you will write a short paper that addresses Section V of the Final Project document. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.


Milestone Four:Compensation

In Module Five, you will write a short paper that addresses Section IV of the Final Project document. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Four Rubric.


Final Submission: Human Resources Managementreview

In Module Seven, you will finalize and submit a paper that is comprised of all the milestone submissions with edits based on instructor feedback. This milestone will be graded with the Final Project Rubricbelow.





Module Due



Evaluating Strategic Talent Management Initiatives—Functions andPractices/Staffing


Graded separately; Milestone OneRubric


Employee DevelopmentProcesses


Graded separately; Milestone TwoRubric




Graded separately; Milestone ThreeRubric




Graded separately; Milestone FourRubric


Final Submission: HRMreview


Graded separately; Final Project Rubric (below)


Guidelines for Submission: Submit your human resource management review adhering to the following guidelines: minimum of 7 pages, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font and following APA 6th editionformat.


Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review theseinstructions.





Needs Improvement(55%)

Not Evident(0%)


HRM Functions and Practices:Function

Meets “Proficient” criteria and explanation is supported with evidence

Explains why the humanresource function should be aligned with an organization’s strategicplan

Explains why the humanresource function should be aligned with an organization’s strategic plan, but explanation is cursory or inaccurate

Does not explain why thehuman resource function should be aligned with an organization’s strategicplan


HRM Functionsand Practices: Global Conditions

Meets “Proficient” criteria and explanation is clear anddetailed

Explains how current global conditions in the industry impact human resource management practices withinorganizations

Explains how current global conditions in the industry impact human resource management practices within organizations, but explanation is cursory or has gaps inaccuracy

Does not explain how current global conditions impact human resource managementpractices withinorganizations



Meets “Proficient” criteria and description demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the relationship between recruiting and the organization’s vision and goals

Describes a process to recruit and select new employees who are aligned with the organization’s vision andgoals

Describes a process to recruit and select new employees who are aligned with the organization’s vision and goals, but description is cursory orinaccurate

Does not describe a process to recruit and select newemployees who are aligned with the organization’s vision andgoals



Meets “Proficient” criteria and establishes which methodwould be more beneficial for an organization based on the research

Compares and contrasts recruitment and selection of internal versus external candidates using the Society for Human Resource Management website asresource

Compares and contrasts recruitment and selection of internal versus external candidates but does not utilize the Society for Human Resource Management website asresource

Does not compare and contrast recruitment and selection of internal versus external candidates using the Society for Human Resource Management website asresource


Training:Needs Assessment

Meets “Proficient” criteria and description is clear anddetailed

Describes the components of a needs assessment used to determine the training requirements of theorganization

Describes the components of a needs assessment used to determine the training requirements of the organization, but description is cursory or inaccurate

Does not describe the components of a needs assessment used to determine the training requirements ofthe organization


Training:Learning Activities

Meets “Proficient” criteria and exhibits keen insight into the needs of adultlearners

Explains the importance of developing learning activities, and incorporates adult learning principles and methods of experientiallearning

Explains the importance of developing learning activities, but does not incorporate adult learning principles and methods of experientiallearning

Does not explain theimportance of developing learningactivities


Training: Training NeedsAssessment

Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses scholarly research to contextualizeclaims

Illustrates the value of a training needs assessment in an organization, and supports response

Illustrates the value of a training needs assessment in an organization, but does not supportresponse

Does not illustrate the value ofa training needsassessment



Meets “Proficient” criteria and description is clear anddetailed

Describes the importance of creating SMART objectives fora trainingplan

Describes the importance of creating SMART objectives fora training plan, but description is cursory orinaccurate

Does not describe theimportance of creating SMART objectives for a trainingplan


Compensation: Compensation

Meets “Proficient” criteria and description is clear anddetailed

Describes the compensation philosophy and describes how the market influences thisphilosophy

Describes the compensation philosophy and describes how the market influences this philosophy, but description is cursory or inaccurate

Does not describecompensation philosophy


Compensation: SalarySurveys

Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses evidence to substantiate claims

Determines the value ofsalary surveys, and describes the advantages of discretionary benefits

Determines the value of salary surveys but does not describe the advantages of discretionary benefits

Does not determine the value of salarysurveys


Evaluation: Performance Management

Meets “Proficient” criteria and description is well supportedand plausible

Determines HRM’s role in the performance management process including how theprocess aligns with the organization’s strategicplan

Determines HRM’s role in the performance management process, but does not includehow the process aligns with the organization’s strategicplan

Does not determine HRM’s rolein the performance management process


Evaluation: Performance Appraisal

Meets “Proficient” criteria and example is well supported and contextualized

Differentiates between thetrait, behavioral, and results-based performance appraisal systems, and provides an example where each would be mostapplicable

Differentiates between the trait, behavioral, and results-based performance appraisal systems, but does not provide an example where each would be most applicable

Does not differentiate between the trait, behavioral, andresults- based performance appraisal systems


Evaluation: Best-Suited Appraisals

Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses scholarly research to substantiateclaims

Determines how to identify best- suited appraisals for employee job duties, and supportsresponse with anexample

Determines how to identifybest- suited appraisals for employee job duties, but does not support response with anexample

Does not determine how to identify best-suited appraisals for employee jobduties


Evaluation: PerformanceRating Scales

Meets “Proficient” criteria and description is clear and contextualized

Identifies a variety of performance scales that canbe used in organizations and describeseach

Identifies a variety of performance scales that canbe used in organizations, but does not describe eachscale

Does not identify a variety of performance scales that canbe used inorganizations


Articulationof Response

Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in aprofessional and easy-to-readformat

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, ororganization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impactreadability and articulation of mainideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, ororganization that prevent understanding of ideas






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