Posted: November 21st, 2022
3 discussions must have 200 word for each discussion
discussion 1
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Read the information provided regarding the Accounts of the Wounded Knee Massacre. Once all reading is complete, respond to the following:
- According to Black Elk, what atrocities took place at Wounded Knee? How did President Harrison describe these atrocities?
- Whom did Black Elk blame for the Wounded Knee Massacre? Whom did Harrison blame?
- According to President Harrison, what was the future of Native Americans? How did Black Elk’s vision of the future compare to Harrison’s vision?
- Relate this atrocity to the history of Native Americans in the late 19th century.
discussion 2
Instructions: Provide a comprehensive response to the question(s) below. Be sure to draft your response in your own words (do not quote verbatim from the textbook).
Assignment Question(s)
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Using a minimum of 200 words, address the following:
- Discuss the different approaches of the federal government toward the Plains Indians.
discussion 3
Instructions: Provide a comprehensive response to the question(s) below. Be sure to draft your response in your own words (do not quote verbatim from the textbook).
Assignment Question(s)
Using a minimum of 200 words, address the following:
- How did the notion of the freedom of contract create opportunities and constraints on liberty?
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