Posted: November 19th, 2022
Powerpoint tables | Education homework help
You will discuss what it is like creating and customizing tables and charts in PowerPoint 2013. You will find the possibilities are great and you may find this to be a very useful tool in displaying information.
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- After exploring the tables and charts features, describe some real-world scenarios when you or an organization might consider using them.
- How might this improve an organization’s ability to present information or data? Do charts make it easy for audiences to understand complex numerical data?
- How do you find the balance between including too many details and focusing on the big picture? One of the keys to creating successful charts is to know which chart to pick to best convey the data. How do you determine this?
- How can quick styles simplify the formatting process?
- Explain what you struggled with or what you found that was new and exciting that you plan to use personally or professionally.
- Address the significance of including the User-Experience (UX) in making technology desirable.
Please complete in 300 words or more. No references needed.
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