Posted: November 19th, 2022

I need help with this journal


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Individual Assignment This assignment is an introduction to college-level  writing. Create an journal in APA format. Check the examples in the library writing resources and brush up on writing skills. Develop an journal of two to four pages, excluding title and reference page. Create an introduction using APA section title, repeating the title page byline. Then, use 1st and 2nd level section titles to create topics from the reading. Within each section title (topic) develop journal points by combining information from two or more library articles. Select topics from the course readings. Introduce the topic by paraphrasing information from the class reading. Then, search the library for articles on the topics selected from the class reading. Paraphrasing information from resources (class material and library articles) is a good way to demonstrate understanding of course objectives. Remember to match the title page format, section titles, citations, and references in APA format. Match each type to examples in the library writing resources. APA Formatting required.

My journal will be on reverse logistic and sustainability.

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